Us in Charge

Dat Bob he go to is ints n leavus here. Dat ol HR he drinkem sum blue beas n pass out. Me n gnu we dont drinkat stuff we just eats brownies hee.

So me n dat gnu un we in charge. Dat ol Ms. Johnson she asleep hee hee.
You gotta bring dat Taco to lunch next week, I comes to see him n you kin drink Tequila, you gonna bring dat Boss? You tell at Spike not to make fun a dat Taco.
Yes,I'll bring Taco with next week.
We all spent another week-end outside again.Jimmy,Gizmo,and myself went to Jessie's ball game
Saturday.They lost,Gizmo got kicked out of the park.Everyone got along great and had a good time.Got the guys a garden hose Sunday.Boy did they have fun with
that.Wet rufi don't smell the best.
Gotta get to work,see ya'later Stephus!
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