HR1, Deuce Rufus & Gnu Rufus Blog

Dis at blog fer me n HR1 n dat Gnu Rufus. I jes rites em all cuz I litrit. -- Deuce

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We Gits Us a Sallitt

Dat Bob-o givsus a sallitt wif hot pepper cheez. Whoohoo!

Dat HR him finkim nobuddy likes his goal chain cuz he doan git no commints. Stephus givim a commint!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

HR an his nu neckluss

Dat HR make Bob-o takus all to Walmart to gits him a nu gold chain for his neckluss. Him sure thinks him spiffy now.

Him wants to make sher you gits all the front vus and side vus n whatnot.

Him even think him looks good from the back now.

Mebbe him goes out more wif CR and doan buggus so much.

Steffus, dat Bob-o tellin me n Gnu dat wen he gits im a nu toofbrush him gonna bleech ar butts. Kin you makin leev us n ar butts alone?