Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Us in Charge

Dat Bob he go to is ints n leavus here. Dat ol HR he drinkem sum blue beas n pass out. Me n gnu we dont drinkat stuff we just eats brownies hee.

So me n dat gnu un we in charge. Dat ol Ms. Johnson she asleep hee hee.
You gotta bring dat Taco to lunch next week, I comes to see him n you kin drink Tequila, you gonna bring dat Boss? You tell at Spike not to make fun a dat Taco.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Dat Slick Come Visit

He like is omlit a lot better. N he like dem beans!

Sumtimes we gets patty melt wit fried taters.

Cuz we stays up all nite wakkin movies!

Then we tired Sundy.

We even helps im wiffis persnel high jeans! He a clean toof Rufus!

We loves ar Cuzzin Slick kin he stay til Toosdy?