Dat Ms. Johnson Her Better

Her wokkin funny but her wokkin. She even comes over to be petted. Anner drinkin her water too.
Gnu takit upon hisself to nurser. Bob sez Gnu gots to feeds her now too. You otta seeim open dat can. Gnu jes too nice sumtimes. I hopes him don't eats that stuff his sef.
Gnu dunno dat Ms. Johnson like I duz. When she gits better she bites him heehee-hee.
See ya'll I told you Bob wouldn't
let anything happen to Ms.Johnson.
Ya'll are giid guys that are helpful with Ms.Johnson.She gonna get better,but don't you think it
would be nice to let Gnu know about
her biting,Duce?!
Stephus & Rufus Nation
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